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Renette Human

Renette Human

Biographical Info Hello, my name is Renette Human, and I am passionate about helping women to embrace, enhance and elevate their God-given natural beauty. As a qualified image consultant, with vast extensive experience in magazine publishing, corporate communication and styling, I know how to make you look and feel your best. Over the years I have come to know that it often takes only a small tweak to get out of a style rut; perhaps a new shade of lipstick, or a new hairstyle. I like to help you find and embrace the gold that already exists within you, to ultimately elevate your life.

Email Address image@renettehuman.co.za

Level Style Sorority

Address 95 Gila Avenue
Randburg, GP 2195

Phone Number (064) 662-6205

Company/BusinessRenette Human Image Consulting

Qualification/ExperienceQualified Image Consultant Qualified Stylist

Categories/Services Image Consulting, Personal Styling, Personal Shopping, Motivational Speaker

Color Chart 12 Flow Color

CountrySouth Africa


Website Addresshttp://renettehuman.co.za

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